25 June 2011

No Double Yellow Line Event

The amazingly and wonderfully talented Cindy Foote released her amazing EP/CD today at a beautiful event called "The Event!". NO DOUBLE YELLOW LINE is the most amazing cd on adoption! Each and everyone of the songs has been touching our hearts over the last week (thank you iTunes!), with each song being special to a different family member, which makes the cd even better for us! The event was amazing!

At one point they had all families in the process of adopting stand up so others could pray for us. The prayers could be felt and heard thru out the room! TRULY A BEAUTIFUL MOMENT!!

Cindy and Billy have brought home a beautiful girl from China, Ethiopia and now they are waiting to bring their beautiful Haitian daughter home! Thru their journeys God used their story to pen beautiful music that can go on to touch others and bless them in their journeys! For more on this cd visit their store.

Another one of our sweet friends and her hubby work for Ground to Cup Coffee and they launched their CarePoint with Children's Hope Chest to sponsor darling children from Warancha (Ethiopia). For a mere $34 a month your family can sponsor one of these children and be the hope they need. Sweet Willow drew a picture the very next day for us to send to Selamawit Bashe! If your family would like to sponsor one of these children and forego one night out at Red Robin visit the Ground To Cup team and they will set you up!

One of the beautiful parts of the evening was when the emphasis was placed on Orphan Care and how it does not always mean adoption and that orphan care comes in many forms, we just need to look around for orphans in our own community we can care for! So true. So often we hear "I LOVE that you are adopting, but that is not for us." So let's find the faces of the fatherless next door, at the store, at church and anywhere else we frequent!

21 June 2011

The journey begins

James 1:27 tells us "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."

Since our oldest was a few months old adoption has been a topic of conversation in our home. We always agreed we would adopt, from where and when was up to God but we knew God was calling us to step out on faith and trust Him with a child set aside for our family.

A few years later we attended a state meeting to foster/adopt, we came home filled out the application and a week later we found out we were pregnant...and not paper pregnant! We welcomed a sweet bundle of joy and we continued to discuss adoption.

Shortly, after her #3 came along and then we said "okay, Lord let's start this journey again"...turns out God had other plans! The Lord revealed to both of us that we had work to be done on our own marriage. Our re-fining time was amazing! God brought us closer to Him and closer to each other. Our marriage was stronger and we look back and see why God appointed THAT time to reveal that our marriage needed re-fining...the adoption journey is difficult and your marriage must be strong and deeply rooted in Christ.

Here we are, a few years later, and we are willing and ready! We have no idea what God will do during this adoption but we can NOT wait! We are praying against the enemy and we are praying that the Lord be victorious! The enemy would rather keep 167 million children ensnared in his grip, but we serve a MIGHTY GOD who longs to see ONE rescued!

Next post...why Ind*a?!