05 September 2011

What Now?

If you missed the first post go here.

Joshua 1:9 "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage, do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go!"

The lady who changed our lives sent us some basic info on him and while we were blessed with a lot of information on him the two things we knew for certain were 1)he is a waiting child and 2)he has special needs. Two did not matter, one meant that this was God saying "you have a fast pass to move to the front of the line!" Without going into everything, this summer was a lot of refining and talking to the Lord about this very thing. It was confirmation from the Lord.

We were up until 1:30 a.m. talking, asking questions, praying, crying, repeating.

ONE thing we knew for sure that God loves this little boy so much that He sent him to me for a reason. Our prayer was that God show us with clarity and peace if this little boy was our son, if he wasn't we thanked God for allowing us to be a vessel in this little boy finding a forever home and asked that the Lord show us where his forever home was.

The next morning was a daze, my legs were like jello, my arms were like jello and every hair on my body was still standing, and my sweet husband was more quiet than usual. We prayed together again and he left for work. It was the crack-o-dawn and knew that one of my closest friends was busy getting her daughter ready for school, but that an amazing godly woman (who the Lord recently put in our life)was up. So as I dialed, I prayed that she would still be my friend after we got off the phone. She prayed with me and there were more tears. (I am happy to say that she is still my friend!).

Once I knew my friends daughter was tucked nicely into her school room I called my friend. They have walked the path of adoption, so much so that she will tell you she said "Lord you are going to have to drop a baby in my lap" and HE DID! She gave me sweet words of encouragment and reminded me that when they adopted their daughter they did not have the financial resources at the time to bring her home either (they had three months!). She reminded me that it is not our economy we are working under, but that ultimately it is God's economy we are under and it all belongs to Him and He controls it all. I got off the phone with more tears (notice a trend yet!!).

The end of the evening brought us together to join together talking to the Lord.

This little boy has a medical condition, he has had surgery and very well may need surgery again in the near future. This was NEVER a concern for us, but God blessed us with the ability to learn the diagnosed name and what medical journey he has already been on, and what complications he may face in life and what may need to be done to correct it.

I started praying for his parents in a different light. I prayed that the Lord would strip them of any burden they may carry from abandoning a precious boy born with a medical need (3rd world country!). I prayed that the Lord would show them that he was okay and that the Lord would give them a peace for his well being and future.

The next morning our couples devotional was on Pslam 139:14. More tears. This sweet boy is fearfully and wonderfully made! God made this boy for a reason! (more tears). Later in the day the Lord laid Jeremiah 29:11 on my heart. The Lord has plans of good and not of evil to bring this little boy a FUTURE and HOPE. I went to the bathroom and wrote those two verses with his orphanage given name filled in and claimed those to Jesus.

Later on during the same day, one of the most amazing godly women we have had the privledge of knowing called to check in and chat as she drove home from the birth of her darling nephew. I felt the Lord prompting me to tell her what had been happening in the last 35 plus hours. She said "your not going to believe this, but remember my friend that you helped me send her to Aggieland adoptions? She has ____ (the EXACT same thing this little boy has) her doctor is at a very well known and local hospital and he is the doctor who invented this solution because of this woman!!! Not only that, but my sweet friends sister in law is a pediatric nurse at a super fabulous children's hospital that we are very familiar with, and she went on to say that her sil would be happy to help with any questions we may have.

I hung up the phone and cried, and dialed my husbands number with trembling hands. He was about to go into a meeting so when I finished we got off the phone.

At the close of the business day my husband walked in the door and said "your conversation was what I prayed for all day, we need to pursue this precious little boy."

More tears. Rejoicing. More prayers.

***another side note, our youngest children were terrible that day. TERRIBLE. My body looked like a chew toy filled with bite marks from children who have long outgrown the biting stage. Without a doubt we know that it was spiritual warfare. At one point I kept telling one of them to say "satan get behind me" they refused and their beahvior got worse. We repeated this for an extensive period of time. Spiritual warfare, people. Satan is throwing a raging fit which just means that Abba Father has something incredible in store!***

While most would chalk this all up to being "coinsidences", we WITHOUT A DOUBT know that God has been laying the pathwork all along and continues to lay the foundation of our story. This is all God's handiwork, not forces of nature, not random happenstances, NO this is GOD!

His file is not with our agency, but it is with an agency that a friend of ours used (who sent me an email in June telling me about!).

My fear was money. WE (notice the fleshly tone hear?) had a beautiful Excel Dave Ramsey spread sheet as to how we would be able to pay for this adoption over the course of a typical "wait" period. The reality is, we don't have it now, and caused me fear. My calm, cool, and collective husband said "it will be okay."

We have a short matter of time to come up with a huge chunk of change because that means, new agency fees, homestudy fees, etc. So please if the Lord wills you, share our journey with others, and if by any chance he lays it on your heart to help bring this little boy home we would be ever so grateful! We know that the Lord will provide if this is His will, so please pray with us and for us!!!

"By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible." Hebrews 11:3. It will truly be thru Christ and with Faith alone that we bring this little boy home. HOME.

1 comment:

  1. aaahhh, my friend, God is so very good and always leads us in His ways when we seek after Him! Rejoicing with you!!!
